
Galatians, A 12-Week Study is unavailable, but you can change that!

The book of Galatians is one of the apostle Paul’s most impassioned and eloquent letters. It warns Christians of the dangers of both legalism and lawlessness, calling believers to live gospel-shaped lives. In this study, pastor Geoff Ziegler walks readers through the promises, warnings, and gospel declarations found in Galatians. Both accessible and theologically robust, this guide will help...

THE GLORIOUS IRREPLACEABILITY OF THE GOSPEL. The language of these verses could not be more stark: departing from the divine gospel to a man-made pseudogospel is literally damning. Those who preach an adulterated gospel are under the curse of God. No human being has the option of adjusting the Christian message of salvation for the purpose of making it easier to hear and accept; the only truly good news is the apostolic message that has come to us in the Scriptures from Jesus. The
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